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Lube it up - Review: Athena

"Lube it up lube it up, that's how we pleasure" - or whatever Rihanna

This past week, I was provided two lubes from Athena to try out, and boyy was it interesting.

As this was my first time experiencing lube; I decided to document this experience with an unboxing and full blog review.

The amount of content to follow might be intimidating so please do click the links below to navigate to the part you’re most interested in.

What is lube

A personal lubricant - aka lube - is a substance usually in the form of a liquid or gel that’s used to prevent any undesired friction during sex. It is often associated with vaginal dryness, but it’s more of an "encouragement to your bits” (Adcox, 2022).

Lubes come in different formulas for different needs. They have either one or a combination of the following bases: oil, water or silicone. Personally; I enjoy the Idea of a water-based product as I know that it will be easy to clean up, safe for toy use, mostly oral safe and safe to be used with condoms (safe sex, is great sex). The Athena Original Lubricant suited my needs.

About Athena

Athena is a sexual wellness company that I came across on social media as I was doing my research on South African sex-positive businesses. The manufacturing company was founded in 2020 by Daigan Sevitz and Brendan Fourie with the aim of educating people about sexual health. Athena has a range of lubes meticulously formulated for your individual needs. They are a brand that strives for sustainability and sources its ingredients from nature and other local suppliers who align with its brand.

The delivery and packaging

With this being my first interaction with lube; I didn't know what to expect when I opened the box and pumped the bottle. I was indeed pleasantly surprised at the speed of the delivery. From the time I was notified that my delivery was processed, to the time I heard the hooter of the delivery car, it took two days. I've never had something delivered so quickly to me. 48hrs!? Wild.

The packaging of the box was very inconspicuous. To the point where I started doubting whether or not it was my parcel from Athena. Living in a strict household, this was perfect! Although, my mom did ask what was in the box which I told her was “massage oils”. Not the massaging she thinks tho… So if you’re in a similar living situation or just looking for discreet delivery, they got you boo!

When I opened the box I did notice how little bubble wrap was used to protect the glass products, so if I had accidentally dropped (that’s how my laptop broke) the box or it was perhaps mishandled (I’ve had this experience before) in the delivery process; it would've been lights out. However, this is coming from an overthinker’s point of view. The glass bottles seem like they are made of that strong, durable glass that can withstand a drop - but I am not willing to find out hay.

I do have to give it to the Athena team because the aesthetics of the bottles are adorable and look highly inviting. The lube itself is bottled in a pump bottle which works well for this type of product. If I were to accidentally leave the bottle in the bathroom ( ;) ) it would look like handwash until someone picks it up and reads it carefully. The labelling suits the packaging very well as it doesn’t obstruct the contents inside.

My Experience

I was expecting a gel consistency - I was met with exactly that. The lube is viscous and very pleasing to play around with.

As with most gels, I was scared that once it dried, it would leave some sort of white residue, but it didn't. So that’s a huge win. Leaves no evidence behind.

I did notice that the second ingredient is "vegetable glycerin" which does have a bad reputation due to its animal-based cousin "glycerine". With lube, "glycerine", is assumed to cause yeast infections and the likes as it is a sugar compound which retains moisture. HOWEVER, this is highly dependent on the formula of the lube - not the ingredient itself. Chemistry is like baking, one just needs to find the right formula that yields the safest results. Take a cake for example, you could be using the same ingredients but a different method in how you mix and fold everything and the resultant cake texture will be different. Since I’ve started using the lube, I haven't had any gynaecologist visits - so that's a good sign.

Being the curious person I am; yes, I did taste the lube. Please don't judge me. To be fair, the lube is clear and looked inviting as I played with it in my hands. Plus, I just wanted to make sure it's oral-safe (😭😭😭), which it is. Personally, on its own, the lube tastes like how a hospital smells - specifically the CBD lube. Pretty tasteless and sterile. I'm not sure what I was expecting to taste when my tongue met it, but it was not that. However, once it was introduced into the bedroom, the taste suddenly didn’t exist. The main reason is that the bodily fluids made a guest appearance.

Final thoughts

In terms of packaging, I completely understand the shift from plastic to glass bottles to fit the vegan and sustainable brand of the company. Being a sustainable business requires that the manufacturing and packaging to the use of the product not cause any harm to the environment or end user. Also, once the lube is finished, the bottle can be reused for other uses without the fear of BPAs and other toxic chemicals. I do enjoy how easy the lube is to clean up, I didn't have to vigorously wash my hands and clothes for it to come off. The texture felt natural to my body and it didn't feel like I was interacting with a foreign substance. Overall, I had a great experience using the product.

If you're looking for a new lube or you're just starting out using lubes; I would recommend the Original Athena Lubricant. It is locally sourced and locally manufactured; therefore much better quality for your money. I enjoy how more businesses advocating for sexual wellness are popping up and creating products for the everyday South African, definitely here for it.

Till next time loves✨✨


PS: the unboxing video can be found on my instagram feed here.



Adcox, M. (2022) Your guide to lube for SEX: Types, how to use, and more, Healthline. Healthline Media. Available at: (Accessed: February 20, 2023).


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