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In the mind of Iris...

Welcome to my world

Hi, I'm Iris and I am a portrait abstract illustrator who just enjoys all things mental and sexual wellness.

I have been contemplating starting something like this since I started using a menstrual cup - long story. I have been searching for a platform to share my journey and knowledge with other people out there since I can talk my friends' ears off about wellness. Through a higher, than usual, engagement review of the Kitty pill on Twitter; I finally got the epiphany to share this journey. A public blog/journal platform - may it be written or recorded.

This blog site will mainly cover topics related to mental and sexual wellness to allow an open conversation. I hope to share my experiences and journey when it comes to mental and sexual well-being. This will hopefully close the conversational gap that many of us had with our parents growing up.

Growing up, I never had the type of relationship with my family where I can ask questions about sex, pleasure, sexuality, mental health and emotional well-being without the inevitable possibility of being judged. I knew that if those topics were ever brought up, it would somehow turn into a lecture related to religion. How? Even me, I have no idea my brothas and sisters and niblings🤷🏽‍♀️

As I often start multiple projects concurrently; the site will also allow for an opportunity to buy some of my prints and custom products. At this point, we'll see where my mind takes me.

But for now; we're going to navigate the next chapter talking all things sex and mental health.

Till next time babe✨


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